Myriad Ventures: Making your investment easier to engage with
Myriad Ventures are a private limited company based in Cyprus, Europe with experienced team members worldwide and are a creative force in presentations of your investment opportunity to investors. We provide engaged consultancy, expert advice, and investor focused business services. We take great pride in our values, offering transparent and honest assistance paired with in-house expertise. Our varied expertise across our team allows us to make good on our passionate determination to get great ideas connected to the right investor.
Whether you are an early-stage start-up seeking funding for your business idea (pre or MVP stage), an established business seeking assistance to progress quickly in Series A or B+, or you are simply an entrepreneur looking to connect your idea to funders, we are here to assist.
Myriad Ventures have the experience and network with the creative and investment know how to make your ideas flourish and be shown to your audience the way you want them to. We bring expertise to the process, ensuring that you can: