Making Your Investments Easier To Engage With
Myriad Ventures LtdMyriad Ventures LtdMyriad Ventures Ltd
(Monday - Friday)
4th Floor, 6023, Larnaca. Cyprus
Myriad Ventures LtdMyriad Ventures LtdMyriad Ventures Ltd
Make your investment goals attainable
See how easy it can be to make your investment a must.
Bring new funding interest to your business
A service that tailors every step of the plan to your needs.
Impress your intended audience
We make your offer clear and easy to understand.

We offer a varied range of business services, see HERE for more details

Focusing on the needs of our clients, imbuing your investment ideas with language that investors love

To gain investment, you need to give an investor every confidence that they can trust you can deliver on your ambition. Let us help you inform your investment audience by providing solutions including:

Bespoke, emotive plans

We develop every plan from the ground up for each client, ensuring that the end result encourages your audience of investors to take action.

Engaged Support

Myriad Ventures is here to help you through every stage of the process, making sure that your investment ideas can come to fruition.

Ideas that come to life

Investment has to be convinced that you have a solution to a problem that is actively causing an issue for a potential audience.

Peace of mind

When you collaborate with Myriad Ventures, you collaborate with specialists with years of industry experience.

Give investors the clearest idea of what you offer, why your offer exists, and the massive potential of your opportunity today.

With over two decades of combined expertise in the Myriad Ventures team, we have helped investment opportunities just like yours find the support they need in the past. Contact us today to see what we can do for you.


Got a new business idea that you wish to take further? Then let us plan the entire process together.


Create a clear approach that focuses directly on what your investors need to know to take action.


Create, then set out a clear vision for the path forward and understand when you need investment.


Searching for suitable funding? Let us aid you with the process of finding potential options.

Authentic, investor-focused strategies that allows for organic engagement

When paired with our team of experts, you can understand how to generate results when it comes time to present your plans to an investor or investment group.

With their combined years of experience, the Myriad Ventures team members have previously assisted companies with:

Business Plans | Investment Decks | Mentoring | Lean Methodologies | Financial Planning & Modelling | Executive Summaries | Business Development | Visual Identity | Teasers | Pitch Assessment | Fundraising & Investments | Marketing | Branding | Graphics & Design

Many organizations realize the benefits of forming work teams.

Employees need to realize the importance of working well with their teammates when coming into a new job or an existing one. A team player is more valuable.