Making Your Investments Easier To Engage With
Myriad Ventures LtdMyriad Ventures LtdMyriad Ventures Ltd
(Monday - Friday)
4th Floor, 6023, Larnaca. Cyprus
Myriad Ventures LtdMyriad Ventures LtdMyriad Ventures Ltd

Investment Readiness Questionnaire

About the questionnaire

Using our collective and auditing experience, we have created this questionnaire to capture key questions to estimate the effort required.

describe your company in 3 to 5 words (e.g. "group travel made easy", "uberizing XYZ", etc.)
Select up to maximum 3
MVP = Mininum Viable Product
A customer is considered an individual or company who / which contributes to your revenue through active billing. Any running Pilots are considered only as potential customers.
Нажмите или перетащите файл в эту область для загрузки.
An investor pitch is usually 10-15 slides; highly graphical, less text, more data and numbers
Нажмите или перетащите файл в эту область для загрузки.
Usually the financial model is done on excel